Monday, May 7, 2007


Hey everyone. I havent started reading...have to get the book first! : )

But, I don't know if you girls have heard of Librivox or not but it's a free audiobook library online. I found pride and prejudice on there...but I would encourage you all to check it out! I'm exciting about this blog!!!!

<3 Kachina


Emery Jo said...

free audiobooks?!?! Blag! I'm so excited right now!

kachina said...

did you find some good stuff? they're under some construction so it can be hard to find stuff...but it's oh so worth it! haha.

Emery Jo said...

yeah! I started listening to 'Pilgrim's Progress' just for the heck of it and I guess I had it blasting through the speakers really loudly because Chris came in and was like WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU LISTENING TO? And then he calmly requested that I plug in the headphones.

lorieloo said...

haha...sounds like something my husband would do. =)