Friday, May 11, 2007

My answer to discussion questions

Hey ya'll sorry that I've kinda stayed in the background until now! I have seen a couple of the P&P movies, but I've never read the book; I've tried to read it a couple of times, but I found it so boring that I couldn't go on. But I'm trying again!!

1. I think it's good that Jane sees the best in everyone, although I do think it's a good trait to be able to acknowledge the not-so-good traits. We shouldn't be completely blind to the bad because then we can become gullible and easily taken in. So I guess I'm saying that it's noble in a way, but mostly naive.

2. I'm totally in agreement with Candace on this one; Charlotte is completely wrong! Love in a marriage is a choice; it's not something that only chance brings. I know from watching my own parent's marriage that you should be willing to work through the bad times together.

3. I'm not quite sure as of yet, but I think Mrs. Bennet might be the most prideful. She's always fishing for a compliment from other people, and she's quick to point out how pretty Jane is.

4.I think there are still some traces of social prejudice in this day and age. For example, when a wealthy guy marries an ordinary woman, we tend to say, "She mostly likely married him for his money." It's like we'd be more willing to accept the marriage as genuine if she had money as well.

5. I really like Elizabeth; She's spunky, and a good friend to Charlotte. She's a good sister also, and She seems like a loyal person.

That's all for now =)

1 comment:

emeryjo said...

What a great point about Mrs. Bennet's pride... She wants to marry her daughters off to wealthy men- and I can't help but wonder if it's more for her social status than for their financial security...